A Surprise Engagement_A Pride and Prejudice Variation by Meg Osborne

A Surprise Engagement_A Pride and Prejudice Variation by Meg Osborne

Author:Meg Osborne [Osborne, Meg]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Tags: Fiction, Classics, historical, General, Romance, Clean & Wholesome, Regency
ISBN: 9781386252092
Google: czegwgEACAAJ
Publisher: Meg Osborne
Published: 2018-02-27T20:58:38+00:00

Chapter Seven

“Is Miss Bingley eager for the assembly?” Elizabeth asked, once the party had settled into their meal. “I recall how fond she is of dancing.”

Charles smiled wryly and paused a moment before replying, evidently weighing his words.

“Fond of dancing, yes. But I do not know that I would call Caroline eager to attend a ball in the heady environs of Newton.” He shook his head. “She would much prefer to be doing so in London, where she might meet new acquaintances.”

Darcy watched this exchange in silence, but he scarcely heard a word. He had been unable to glance away from his friend since Bingley’s arrival, trying desperately to see what his wife was apparently all too aware of: whether his friend appeared to show any particularity towards Georgiana. He was so intent in his focus that when the sound of his own name on Elizabeth’s lips startled him to consciousness he realised he had missed her words, and bid her repeat them, hastily rearranging his features into something less like a frown.

“I was just informing Mr Bingley of your personal enthusiasm for the assembly,” his wife said, with a teasing smile. Bingley laughed and continued on with his meal, and when even Georgiana joined in the merriment, Darcy was forced to accede the point with a grimace.

“Alas, it appears marriage has not excused me from social engagements, however much I might wish it.”

“And yet how much more pleasant to attend already knowing whom you might dance with!” Mr Bingley said. “For half of your problem was always the need of making small talk with strangers, and now you need not attempt it!”

“True,” Darcy conceded.

“Do you plan to attend as well, Miss Darcy?” Bingley asked, turning to Georgiana in an attempt to draw her into the conversation. It had not escaped Darcy’s notice that his sister had fallen unusually silent when they took their places at the table, and he felt a strange flicker of feeling that Charles had noticed it too, and sought, in his own easy way, to ease her discomfort.

“It is such a long time since I went to any such gathering,” she demurred, glancing briefly at Darcy. Her eyes asked a tentative question that Darcy might have missed, had he not been paying such close attention to her, and he nodded, very slightly, encouraging her to continue.

“I think in this case I should like to, provided you will be there.” As if fearing she had been too forward in addressing her comment to Mr Bingley, she turned to Elizabeth and clarified her words. “All of you, I mean. I will find the whole event rather enjoyable if I might attend it surrounded by friends and family.”

“Well, then, of course, we shall all go!” Bingley said, gallantly laying down his fork. “If only to afford you the opportunity. I am quite sure you will be fighting off invitations to dance, and we shall all stand to the side, watching mournfully as you eclipse us in popularity and interest!”

He laughed as he spoke, and the ladies joined him, but Darcy found his mouth dry.


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